43. Kunjaya, C., et al., "The Observation of Supernova Impostor AT2016blu Using Seimei 3.8 m Telescope"
42. Ishida, Y.; Wong, K. C.; Jaelani, A. T.; More, A., "Combining neural networks and galaxy light subtraction for discovering strong lenses with HSC"
41. Cañameras, R.; Schuldt, S.; Shu, Y.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "HOLISMOKES - XI. Evaluation of supervised neural networks for strong-lens searches in ground-based imaging surveys"
40. Jaelani, A. T.; More, A.; Wong, K. C.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) − X. Strong Lens Finding in The HSC-SSP using Convolutional Neural Networks"
39. Sulistiyowati, Putri, G. P., Faadillah, M. H., Jaelani. A. T., "Bridging Science Education: Empowering Teachers Through Astronomy Training"
38. Faadillah, M. H., Kurniasari, M., Asmoro, C. P., et al. (incl. Jaelani. A. T.), "Workshop on Young Crescent Moon: Visibility Limit and Digital Image Contrast"
37. More, A.; Cañameras, R.; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "Systematic comparison of neural networks used in discovering strong gravitational lenses"
36. Holloway, P.; Marshall, P. J.; Verma, A.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "A Bayesian Approach to Strong Lens Finding in the Era of Wide-area Surveys"
35. Sakti, A. D.; Zakiar, M. R.; Santoso, C.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "Machine learning-based spatial data development for optimizing astronomical observatory sites in Indonesia"
34. Andika, I. T.; Shu, Y.; Cañameras, R.;...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "Streamlined Lensed Quasar Identification in Multiband Images via Ensemble Networks"
33. Chan, J. H. H.; Wong, K. C.; Ding, X.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally Lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI). IX. Discovery of Strongly Lensed Quasar Candidates"
32. Andika, I. T.; Jahnke, K.; Van der Wel, A.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "When Spectral Modeling Meets Convolutional Networks: A Method for Discovering Reionization-era Lensed Quasars in Multi-band Imaging Data"
31. Wong, K. C.; Chan, J. H. H.; Chao, D. C.-Y.; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI). VIII. New galaxy-scale lenses from the HSC SSP
30. Shu, Y.; Cañameras, R.; Schuldt, S.; ...; Jaelani, A. T., "HOLISMOKES. VIII. High-redshift Strong Lens Candidates from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
29. Hidayat, T.; Huda, I. N.; Ramadhan, S.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "Program Konversi Antena Telekomunikasi Indosat Menjadi Teleskop Radio VLBI (2022)"
28. Ramadhan, S.; Hidayat, T.; Huda, I. N.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "Profil Cuaca Situs Stasiun Bumi Jatiluhur untuk Persiapan Teleskop Radio VLBI Indonesia"
27. Jaelani, A. T., "Ketidaksengajaan: Kesempatan Menemukan Sains Baru di Era Big Data Astronomi"
26. Premadi, P. W.; Nugroho, D. H.; Jaelani, A. T., Properties of the Environment of Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies CL 0024+1654 and RX J0152.7−1357
25. Chao, D. C.-Y.; Chan, J. H.-H.: Suyu, S. H.; ...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Strongly lensed candidates from the HSC transient survey"
24. Canameras, R.; Schuldt, S.; Shu, Y.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "HOLISMOKES. VI. New galaxy-scale strong lens candidates from the HSC-SSP imaging survey"
23. Ono, Y.; Itoh, R.; Shibuya, T.; ...; Jaelani, A. T.; et al., "SILVERRUSH X: Machine Learning Selection of 9,318 LAEs at z = 2.2, 3.3, 4.9, 5.7, 6.6, and 7.0 from the HSC SSP and CHORUS Survey Data"
22. Hilton, M.; Sifón, C.; Naess, S.; ...; Jaelani. A. T., et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Catalog of > 4000 Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Galaxy Clusters"
21. Jaelani. A. T.; Rusu, C. E.; Kayo, I; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) - VII. Discovery and Confirmation of Three Strongly Lensed Quasars"
20. Sonnenfeld, A.; Verma, A.; More, A.; ...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) - VI. Crowdsourced lens finding with Space Warps"
19. Chao, D. C.-Y.; Chan, J. H.-H.: Suyu, S. H.; ...; Jaelani. A. T., "Lensed quasar search via time variability with the HSC transient survey"
18. Chan, J. H.-H.; Suyu. S. H.; Sonnenfeld, A.; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) - IV. Lensed quasar search in the HSC survey"
17. Jaelani. A. T.; More, A.; Oguri, M.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) - V. Group-to-cluster scale lens search from the HSC-SSP Survey"
16. Jaelani. A. T.; More, A.; Sonnenfeld, A.; et al., "Discovery of an unusually compact lensed Lyman Break Galaxy from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey"
15. Tanaka, K.; Tsuji, A.; Akamatsu, H.; ...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "X-ray study of the double source plane gravitational lens system Eye of Horus observed with XMM-Newton"
14. Jaelani. A. T.; Emas, N. P. A. P.; Premadi, P. W.; Mulki, F. A. M., "Constraints on Dark Energy Models in Cosmology from Double-Source Plane Strong Lensing System"
13. Aihara, H.; AlSayyad, Y.; Ando, M.; ...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Second Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
12. Sonnenfeld, A.; Jaelani. A. T.; Chan, J. H.-H.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) - III. Statistical strong lensing constraints on the stellar IMF of CMASS galaxies"
11. Wong, K. C.; Sonnenfeld, A.; ...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally Lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI). II. Environments and Line-of-Sight Structure of Strong Gravitational Lens Galaxies to z ∼ 0.8"
10. Ibrahim, I.; Malasan, H. L.; Kunjaya; C.; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Statistical improvement in detection level of gravitational microlensing events from their light curves"
9. Aihara, H.; Armstrong, R.; Bickerton, S.;...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "First data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
8. Aihara, H.; Arimoto, N.; Armstrong, R.; ...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and survey design"
7. Sonnefeld, A.; Chan, J. H. H.; Shu, Y.; ...; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Survey of Gravitationally -lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI). I. Automatic search for galaxy-scale strong lenses"
6. Mumtahana, F.; Jaelani. A. T.; Muhamad, J.; Sutastio, H., "Stellar background observation during Total Solar Eclipse March 9th 2016"
5. Ibrahim, I.; Malasan, H. L.; Djamal, M.; Kunjaya; C. Jaelani. A. T.; Putri, G. P., "Detection Level Enhancements of Gravitational Microlensing Events from Light Curves: the Simulation"
4. Jaelani. A. T.; Premadi, P. W., "Mass reconstruction of galaxies clusters: Abell 2219, RXC J2248.7-4431, and SDSS J1004+4112 using strong gravitational lensing"
3. Hidayat, T.; Dermawan, B.; Mahasena, P.; ...; Jaelani. A. T., "Radio frequency interference measurement in site testing programs for the future multiwavelength observatory in Indonesia"
2. Jaelani. A. T.; Premadi, P. W., "The Hubble constant estimation using 18 gravitational lensing time delays"
1. Hidayat, T.; Munir, A.; Dermawan, B.; Jaelani. A. T.; et al., "Radio frequency interference measurements in Indonesia. A survey to establish a radio astronomy observatory"
No. | Title | Meeting | Year | Place | |
26. | Strong Lensing Mining | 13th ISCS 2022 | 2022 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Invited |
25. | Studi galaksi kompak ’tak biasa’ melalui pengamatan lensa gravitasi kuat dari data HSC | Kolokium III Pusat Riset Komputasi BRIN | 2022 | Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Indonesia | Invited |
24. | The Search for Strong Gravitational Lens Systems to Study the Evolution of Galaxies Using Machine Learning (Online) | AI Talks ITB | 2022 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Invited |
23. | Ketidaksengajaan: Kesempatan Menemukan Sains Baru di Era Big Data Astronomi (Online) | SiNaFi 7.0 | 2021 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia | Contributor |
22. | A Qualitative Comparison of Strong Lensing Models of The Galaxy Cluster MACSJ1149.5+2223 by Using GRAMORs (Online) | 2nd ISSS | 2021 | BRIN-LAPAN, Indonesia | Contributor |
21. | Peluang dan Tantangan Melakukan Penelitian Kosmologi Menggunakan Lensa Gravitasi Kuat Quasar di Indonesia (Online) | Seminar Panorama Antariksa | 2021 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Contributor |
20. | Exoplanets detection using Microlensing (Online) | Seminar | 2021 | Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia | Invited |
19. | Mining Strong Lensing Surveys (Online) | Conference | 2021 | ASJ Meeting, Japan | Presenter |
18. | Science highlights from the Strong Lensing Working Group (Online) | Conference | 2021 | HSC Meeting, Japan | Presenter |
17. | Strong Gravitational Lensing: Legacy and Future | Colloquium | 2020 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Invited |
16. | Finding New Strong Gravitational Lens Systems from HSC Survey | ASJ | 2019 | Kumamoto University, Japan | Presenter |
15. | Challenge in finding strong gravitational lens cases in the current and future large survey | Colloquium | 2019 | Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia | Invited |
14. | Gravitational Lensing with Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP | Colloquium | 2019 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Invited |
13. | Strong Gravitational Lenses in the HSC Survey: Searching and Sciences | Seminar | 2018 | Kindai University, Japan | Presenter |
12. | Big Data from Ongoing and Future Extragalactic Surveys: Where are we? | Colloquium | 2018 | Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia | Invited |
11. | New Spectrum Mass Range: Concentration-mass relation from Strong Lensing and Richness | Colloquium | 2018 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Invited |
10. | Study of Galaxy Groups Lensing: Concentration-Mass (c-M) Relation up to High Redshift | Lunch Seminar | 2018 | Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo, Japan | Invited |
9. | Finding Strong Lenses from HSC | Astronomical Seminar | 2017 | Tohoku University, Japan | Contributor |
8. | Concentration-mass Relation from Intermediate-high Redshift Strong Lensing Galaxy Groups | Colloquium | 2017 | Tohoku University, Japan | Presenter |
7. | Neutrino Mass from the Lensing Dispersion of SN Ia | Astronomical Seminar | 2016 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Invited |
6. | Strong Lensing Galaxy Group at High Redshift | 9th Science and Life Science Joint Symposium | 2016 | Tohoku University, Japan | Contributor |
5. | Mass Distribution of Intermediate to High Redshift Galaxy Group | From theory to applications: celebrating a century of gravitational lensing | 2016 | Leiden University, The Netherland | Contributor |
4. | CMB Lensing Reconstruction using Cut Sky Polarization Maps and Pure B-Modes | Astronomical Seminar | 2015 | Tohoku University, Japan | Contributor |
3. | Mass Distribution from Galaxy Clusters using Gravitational Lens Effects: SDSS J1004+4112 | Seminar HAI | 2013 | Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia | Contributor |
2. | Mass Distribution from Galaxy Clusters using Gravitational Lens Effects: SDSS J1004+4112 | The 2nd SEAYAC | 2013 | Bandung, Indonesia | Contributor |
1. | The Hubble Constant Estimation from 18 Gravitational Lens Time Delay using PixeLens | The 4th ICMNS | 2012 | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia | Contributor |
No. | Title | Place | Year |
9. | Dari Ume Bubu hingga Teleskop: Langkah Pengembangan Kawasan Observatorium Nasional di Amfoang Tengah | expontt.com | 25 Oct 2024 |
8. | Dari Ume Bubu hingga Teleskop: Langkah Pengembangan Kawasan Observatorium Nasional di Amfoang Tengah | wartatimor.com | 25 Oct 2024 |
7. | Observatorium Nasional Kupang, Potensi Wisata dan Edukasi Budaya NTT Menggeliat di Amfoang | batastimor.com | 25 Oct 2024 |
6. | Langkah Pengembangan Kawasan Observatorium Nasional di Amfoang Tengah Dari Ume Bubu Hingga Teleskop | ntthits.com | 25 Oct 2024 |
5. | Pengembangan Kawasan Observatorium Nasional dari Ume Bubu hingga Teleskop di Amfoang Tengah | kupangnews.com | 25 Oct 2024 |
4. | ITB Gelar Pelatihan Astronomi di SMAN 3 Banjar | Priangan | 3 Ags 2022 |
3. | Siswa dan Guru di Kota Banjar Dapat Pelatihan Astronomi dari ITB | Harapan Rakyat | 3 Ags 2022 |
2. | Inisiasi Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat | Pikiran Rakyat | 22 Feb 2022 |
1. | Pesta Gerhana (The Eclipse Party) | TEMPO | 15 Feb 2016 |
No. | Title | Author(s) | Year | Journal | Link |
6. | Khazanah Arkeoastronomi di Balik Situs Megalitikum: Studi Kasus Gunung Padang | Husnindriani, P.; Abudan, R.; Jaelani. A. T.; Mayangsari, L.; Sulistiyowati;Mumtahana, F.; Priyatikanto, R.; Simatupang, F. |
2015 | Prosiding SINDARA | link |
5. | Mass Reconstruction of Galaxy Cluster SDSSJ1004+4112 using Strong Gravitational Lensing | Jaelani. A. T.; Premadi, P. W. | 2013 | Proc. HAI | link |
4. | Spectroscopic Investigation of the Nova Delphini 2013 and Altair | Hadiputrawan, I. P. W.; Liu, N.; Min-Shen, P.; Tumampos, S.; Jaelani. A. T. | 2013 | Report for the 35th ISYA | link |
3. | Current Status Testing Programs in West Timor for the Future Multi-Wavelength Observatory | Hidayat, T.; Mahasena, P.; Dermawan, B.; Herdiwijaya, D.; Kunjaya, C.; Dupe, Z. L.;Brahmantyo, B.; Premadi, P. W.; Yusuf, M.; Mandey, D.; Wulandari, H. R. T.; Munir, A.; Jaelani. A. T.; Nugroho, D. H.; Arief, F.; Suksmono, A. B.; Irfan, M.; Jatmiko, A. T. P.; Akbar, E. I.; Yulianty, Y.; Sulistyowati; Sianturi, H. L.; Tanesib, J. L.; Warsito, A. |
2013 | Proc. HAI | link |
2. | Radio Frequency Interference Measurement in Site Testing Programs for the Future Multi-wavelength observatory in Indonesia | Hidayat, T.; Munir, A.; Dermawan, B.; Jaelani. A. T.; Suksmono, A. B.; Arief, F.;the Bosscha Site Testing Team |
2013 | Proc. HAI | link |
1. | Seeing Measurement at Timau Mountain Coverage Area, Nusa Tenggara Timur | Putra, M.; Hidayat, T.; Dermawan, B.; Herdiwijaya, D.; Kunjaya, C.; Dupe, Z. L.;Sianturi, H. L.; Warsito, A.; Tanesib, J. L.; Nugroho, D. H.; Yusuf, M.; Akbar, E. I.; Jaelani. A. T.; Mandey, D.; Jatmiko, A. T. P.; Sulistiyowati; Yulianti, Y. |
2013 | Proc. HAI | link |