[16] The ITB's Astronomy Research Group is hosting a webinar titled Astronomy-based cultural excavations in Banjar City, Jabar Province's easternmost frontier, where the Sunda-Jawa civilisation blends.
[15] Anton T. Jaelani was appointed as new ALMI member on December 2, 2022
[14] A team from the Astronomy Research Group ITB led an Astronomy Training for Science and Geography Teachers in Banjar and its surroundings.
[13] Wong et al. (2022), 'Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI). VIII. New galaxy-scale lenses from the HSC SSP'
[12] Anton T. Jaelani was invited as a speaker on the 13th International Symposium on Computational Science (ISCS) in Conjunction with Asia Computational Material Design (A-CMD) Wokrshop.
[11] Anton T. Jaelani with Dr. Rhorom Priyatikanto and Dr. Ibnu Nurul Huda were invited as speakers in a colloquium organized by the BRIN Computer Research Centre on Astronomy Computing on June 16, 2022 at 10:00 AM via Zoom.
[10] Anton T. Jaelani appointed as Manager of Student Affair and Scholarship, FMNS ITB replaced Sapto Wahyu Indratno, Ph.D. for the period June-December 2022.
[9] AI Talks ITB - Anton T Jaelani: "The Search for Strong Gravitational Lens Systems to Study the Evolution of Galaxies Using Machine Learning".
[8] Hidayat et al. (2022), 'Program Konversi Antena Telekomunikasi Indosat Menjadi Teleskop Radio VLBI'
[7] Ramadhan et al. (2022), 'Profil Cuaca Situs Stasiun Bumi Jatiluhur untuk Persiapan Teleskop Radio VLBI Indonesia'
[6] Anton T. Jaelani had the opportunity to be one of the speakers with Dr. Endang Mulyadi and Dr. Dahlan, at a Talkshow in Banjar City on the theme "Pandemic, Science, Literacy".
[5] The astrolabe is an analogue astronomical computing equipment that is often used to navigate, simulate, predict, measure, calculate, and better understand the position and dynamics of celestial objects.
[4] Discussions related to the Earth-Moon-Sun learning simulation project for students of the 6-7th level of the 'Sustainable Innovation Fair at Highscope TBS' event.
[3] Jaelani, A. T. (2022), 'Ketidaksengajaan: Kesempatan Menemukan Sains Baru di Era Big Data Astronomi'
[2] Anton T. Jaelani with Head of SMA Negeri 3 Banjar, Dr. Endang Mulyadi, at the initiation of the community service (PKM) activities in Banjar City, West Java.
[1] Shu et al. (2022), 'HOLISMOKES. VIII. High-redshift Strong Lens Candidates from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program'