[19] RU3P 2023 Poster of ITB's AI Centre at the ITB's 2023 Research, Innovation, and Teaching Exhibition (PRIMA)
[18] AI-generated illustrations of research papers at the ITB's 2023 Research, Innovation, and Education Commitment Exhibition (PRIMA) [1]. Kredit: LPPM ITB.
[17] AI-generated illustrations of research papers at the ITB's 2023 Research, Innovation, and Education Commitment Exhibition (PRIMA) [2]. Credit: LPPM ITB.
[16] Sakti et al. (2023), 'Machine learning-based spatial data development for optimizing astronomical observatory sites in Indonesia'
[15] Andika et al. (2023), 'Streamlined Lensed Quasar Identification in Multiband Images via Ensemble Networks'
[14] Anton T. Jaelani received the award as one of the 10 ITB Young Lecturers with the most Q1 publications 2020-2023.
[13] Anton T. Jaelani was the moderator for the "Sharing Session" in the Scientific Culture Event with Young ITB Lecturers.
[12] Congratulations to Naufal Yahya, you did it, Graduate! The sky's the limit and we cannot wait to see what your achieve next!
[11] Congratulations to Shabrina Firdausa. Nothing can stop you now, Graduate! Keep reaching for the stars!
[10] Congratulations to Jonathan Richard Sugandhi, you did it, Graduate! The sky's the limit and we cannot wait to see what your achieve next!
[9] Congratulations to Feralezer L. G. Tampubolon, you did it, Graduate! The sky's the limit and we cannot wait to see what your achieve next!
[8] Congratulations to Naufal A. Suryasumirat, you did it, Graduate! The sky's the limit and we cannot wait to see what your achieve next!
[7] RRI PRO2BANDUNG invited Anton T. Jaelani as the speaker of Sore Ceria, with the theme “Astronomy and the Future of Humanity”.
[6] LPPM ITB collaborates with Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB manages a talk titled Karsa Loka Vol. 24, with the theme “Meneropong Semesta dari Perbatasan Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah”.
[5] Andika et al. (2023), 'When Spectral Modeling Meets Convolutional Networks: A Method for Discovering Reionization-era Lensed Quasars in Multi-band Imaging Data'
[4] In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Bosscha Observatory, the Astronomy Research Group held the Astronomy Colloquium "Studying Gravity Around Black Holes" (Prof. Paul Ho - Director of East Asian Observatory).
[2] Anton Timur Jaelani was appointed as Manager of Research and Innovation Program, FMNS ITB replacing Utriweni Mukhayar, for the period January 1 - December 31, 2023.